I am a teacher!

I’m a teacher…………..

Behind that doctor, there I am, a teacher………..
Behind that economist, there I am, a teacher……….
Above those astronomers there I am, a

I carry the light even though they mock my passion………..

But i am a teacher……..

I don’t qualify for a RDP house nor earn enough to buy an expensive one…………………..

I drive a cheap 3rd or even forth hand car that I’ve learned to fix myself so that it can take me from my home to my school, because I am a teacher……………

Some think or even say that I have so many holidays, never knowing that I
I spend those holidays either researching or planning what and how I’m going to teach when I go back to school…….

Because I am a teacher…….. I sometimes get confused and even stressed by the ever changing policies that the politicians, who have political power over what and how I have to teach, lay down as law…….

On pay days I don’t laugh as others do and by the next day I have to come with a smile to those that I teach………..

Because I’m a teacher………

The main source of my satisfaction is when I see my learners growing, succeeding, bravely facing the world and its challenges.

Yes I am a teacher……..

It doesn’t matter how people look at me. It doesn’t matter how much more they earn than me because what they have wouldn’t have been if it wasn’t for me……..

I am a teacher………..

(A beautiful post by my friend and colleague Barbara-Mari Du Toit with a few tweaks by me!)

To all teachers starting school for this new year: Carpe Diem! Go get them, inspire them and make that difference!

I teach.

I teach.

xxx much love – hesta.

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